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Writer's pictureTom Pfister

Thriving Together Through Empathy

As we close our perspective series, we thought the perfect word to close was Empathy. As they say, last, but definitely not least.

We're approaching the one month line from when things dramatically changed for us on a global scale, on Wednesday March 11th, 2020. Since then, it feels like we're living in a completely different world. We're spending the majority of our time indoors, our kids are learning from home, and many jobs that were office-bound for years have transitioned to telecommuting.

When change is imposed on us versus sought out, it makes it harder to adapt. We are used to the world running a certain way, and things that had become staples of our lives like a handshake or a gathering are completely out of the question. This has thrown us for a loop.

In order to find our center and regain some sort of control or feeling of normalcy, we have recommended focusing on gratitude for the little things, getting creative with your time in seeking new passions or finding exciting ways to escape reality for a bit, and creating balance where it feels like things are trending heavily in one specific direction.

We have one more suggestion as mentioned above: empathy.

Though some people have managed to find a myriad of positives from our collective circumstances, the truth is that we've all had to face some level of struggle in the past month. If we want to effect positive change, we should all take a step back from our own situations, and look to those around us who maybe are enduring a bit more than we are. If we can help lighten the loads of others - even by just lending an ear or shoulder to cry on - this will not only help us find purpose individually, but it will improve us as a society.

Let's think for a moment about the groups of people who are being heavily affected right now, and through empathy, find ways to help them through this time:

  • Medical professionals and those involved in the healthcare supply chain are at the frontlines of exposure, working unending shifts, and doing everything they can to save lives.

  • Small business owners (that are not in the essentials category of medicine or food) have had to close their doors and suspend their income. Many are trying to look for ways to continue caring for their employees.

  • Pregnant women who are due to give birth are facing the prospect of doing it alone, with no familiar faces to cheer them on (many during their first deliveries) for safety reasons.

  • Those who have lost loved ones may not be able to mourn them now as gatherings put everyone at risk.

These are just some of the many, many cases of people who are having to conjure strenuous levels of strength for the time being, without having absolute certainty of when things will improve.

But we can help every single one of these and all the ones not named. How?

  1. First and foremost, #StayHome. If we manage to flatten the curve enough, we will stop the virus and we'll be able to help everyone at risk right now and shorten the hard times for those who are not receiving steady incomes right now.

  2. Check in with your loved ones and networks. We all have a little more time to connect right now, and there's no better time to message or call those in our circles to make sure they're all doing as well as they can. Send virtual cards that encourage your friends, family and coworkers to keep their chin up, as this too shall pass.

  3. If you can, offer your help to those in need/at risk by maybe doing their groceries for them, or helping in any way to minimize their need to be outside.

Those of us who are not essential workers can all do number one, all of us can do number two, and there are endless examples of selfless individuals making sure number three is alive and well.

Empathy is all about putting ourselves in other people's shoes, and living the Golden Rule: do onto others as you'd like to have done onto you. If we do this as a collective effort, we will be much better off after this passes.

We want to thank you for following along during this series, and we hope to have provided some ideas and thoughts to help you remain positive during this time. Our attitude towards hardship is what makes it bearable, and it's how we come out better on the other side.

Our entire Nytro team sends you well wishes, and a Happy Easter if you celebrate it. We'll continue creating content that allows you to have as close to an #AmazingExperience at home, until we're able to see each other and go through it together again!

Please make sure to subscribe to our blog to be notified of our new content, and leave a comment or send us an e-mail at with suggestions for what you would like to see us cover in the future.

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